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Showing posts from April, 2009

Sometimes it's just about realising who we are & not focussing too much on who we think we should be...

Election reflection...

So the ANC(sleeze) look set for a two thirds majority, something I hoped would not happen. At least it looks like their majority will be down, which is great, it shows there is a turn in the tide however small. The voting predictably was along racial lines which is unfortunate but understandable given our apartheid past. It would seem though that we have merely swopped one party of racial despots for another. Sad given the ANC's most admirable past as struggle movement. It has evolved into something for less laudable though, just as greedy, unjust & racist as the regime it's replaced! But hey, there's always hope, and this reduced majority could be the start of the 'post revolution revolution', I hope so...

Half Year Anniversary (click for more Pic's)

So, Tania & I celebrated our half year anniversary this past weekend, ya I know its only 6 months but hey, its worth celebrating, so I took us away for the weekend to Dullstroom. We stayed at cherry grove apartment suites, which overlook the piazza, sorta like 'little italy' hehe, it was really nice, for more photos check out my picasa web albums site, some nice photos of the piazza etc. So, remember, life is short, true, but these days life is irrevocably hectic, we are exposed to so much but afford ourselves so little time to 'digest' it, to take it in, allow it time to feed our soul, so remember, its not only in the doing but in the 'absorbing' that we find fulfillment!!

The AN(C)Sleeze!!

Good god, when they were voted into power in 94' & we had Madiba as Prezi, I really believed, , ..but geez how things have gone south! now we have a Gvt of corrupt idiots, who thrive on dishonesty, not doing the right thing & apathy, and then to go and say that God supports the ANC! why God would support a party of despots, corrupt racists, who don't give a damn about the poor I have no idea except to say that on His worst day He would never support a bunch of unethical pricks that make up the higher echelons of the ANC, 'God forgive them' is more appropriate, but I'm not sure He should... And I hope the election results start showing them that their time is ending just like it did for the previous bunch of despots under apartheid! all hail to good hearted, truthful people that honestly care about the plight of the less fortunate, the poor and needy cos it sure as hell ain't the ANC! good riddance to new rubbish...