It's quite strange how, at some point in one's life we yearn for a time past or some element of ourselves that we think we have lost, compromised or forgotten. I used to write, but it was an innate desire, as natural as breathing, and I want it back, I know it's there and I will find it, the journey starts now. I think it slowly got tainted by the superficial lives we lead once we start work (routine, bills, money etc) until, to save itself it closes itself behind a door of sorts deep in my soul. You see the truck is though that I can't open the door, it has to open the door itself, allow me back in and the only way for that to occur is if it feels that I'm on the 'path' again that allows for true self expression through writing. And there is no conning it... One cannot beguile one's self to one's own gain and think the trasition will be graceful!
Technology, Opinion, Sustainability, Poetry & some Photography