If one doesn't or chooses not to share the good times with those we love then the life one leads is merely a biology centred around existence, as opposed to the sharing, engaging form of humanity that I think we were meant for...and this is not to say that we should be oblivious to the fact that life sometimes is 'tough' and it sometimes takes every ounce of energy just to carry on, but I do believe that being positive is a choice, an attitude towards life that seeks the better as opposed to the worse, and this 'choice' is made real by how we see ourselves in the context of the 'world'...our perception of ourselves may not define us, but it will give some sort of indication as to the person we are. In sharing the special times with those we love & or care about is exactly why those times are special, by virtue of the company we were in...and yes some times we need the solace, the 'downtime' by ourselves but, when we are with others, we can expre...