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Showing posts from 2010

life's game

Strange how we seek control in a world only when we lose control of ourselves...

Some days are just bad!

Its strange how some people assure the worst of one, and I guess it says something about their 'headspace' what I find more frustrating is the fact that one still has to explain 'yourself' to those people... Nite only was there no intention from your side but now you are obliged to prove it! Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Beauty is perception...

When I see photos like this I wonder why it is that we crave so diligently things that contradict the beauty so evident! Is it only the lucky few who seek out and live this life where beauty is so innate to one's living who appreciate the levity of their life? We others desire so much 'stuff' that all else is compromised most notably our state of senses, our sense of being, our world so one dimensional that we lose our souls to it's linearity... And in doing so we lose ourselves and the opportunity to appreciate and experience true beauty in the world!


It's quite strange how, at some point in one's life we yearn for a time past or some element of ourselves that we think we have lost, compromised or forgotten. I used to write, but it was an innate desire, as natural as breathing, and I want it back, I know it's there and I will find it, the journey starts now. I think it slowly got tainted by the superficial lives we lead once we start work (routine, bills, money etc) until, to save itself it closes itself behind a door of sorts deep in my soul. You see the truck is though that I can't open the door, it has to open the door itself, allow me back in and the only way for that to occur is if it feels that I'm on the 'path' again that allows for true self expression through writing. And there is no conning it... One cannot beguile one's self to one's own gain and think the trasition will be graceful!

Its been a long time comming...

Vuvuzelas have a divine origin it seems...not so lucky us ;) Posted from Blogium for iPhone

Time for Change...

And so the time comes for change, and to embrace it is a given, for to not do so equates to a parochial world view akin to a peephole...We are what we live, what we yearn for deep inside and how we strive to make that real. I hold ethics and trust high on my moral outlook but keeping those grounded in reality is sometimes more challenging than I thought. The world has it's own rules it seems, and like I've said before, its easy to give advice, its quite another to test its validity at the point of contact...I'm reminded of a speech by Roosevelt, part of which states the following. " It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does ...

Sometimes you gotta bite the bullet & swallow hard....

Its always tough I guess when out of nowhere it seems (most of the time) you find yourself in a situation wondering how the fukc did I get here...unfortunately it happens, or more correctly happened to me, home life etc is great, but professionally things couldn't be more left field than what they are, its like you wake up and its impossible to connect the world before you fell asleep with the one you awoke to...I feel like a piece went missing, that's how strange things have been for me the last few weeks. What irks the most is the fact that I didn't see it coming , and normally (mostly) I always do!! but that's life, time for resilience, even if, for the moment there is no understanding....

Rhetoric and political foulness...

A quickie...For year's the ANC youth league Presi Julius Malema has been spewing anti white racist garbage at every opportunity without any reprimand from the ANC, this inaction from a party that is ostensibly a non-racial party...mmm, methinx not, anymore. And yet the Country's President JZ has the gall to say 'people must think before they speak' in the wake of the murder of loony Eugene Terreblanche, leader of the moribund AWB. Politics is king in South Africa and Politics is 'killing' all that this country can aspire to...

Another Arty Piece...since I'm in the mood

Oh ok , I'm on faith thing again, notice I said faith and not religion, I am not religious (I avoid its connotations overtly actually), but this is the 2 nd of 2 pieces I did for an exhibition, the exhibition was entitled God, Love, Life & Murder, and the piece above is the more 'soppy' of the 2. I honestly believe that one cannot focus just on the good at the exclusion of 'evil', we need to be acutely aware of 'bad stuff' so we can commit to and understand the imperative of the 'good stuff'... I wrote this little piece about 10 years ago but I think it finds resonance here: "If we love only that which is good then it is not God we are loving but something other to which such a name is ascribed, we must love God too through the evil around us, solely because evil is as real as the good, and behind all reality is God! remember it takes a bit of devilry to create the best Angels..."

We are warriors, of sorts...

I get that there are 'different' types of Christians in the world, and indeed that it takes all types of people, Christian and otherwise to make the world, I myself don't understand why people put so much effort into trying to convert 'other' religions to their own because I dont think religion (or faith) defines a persons character, or implies some form or depth of integrity... I just don't get it, its not to say I'm right or wrong, but if we focussed more on living better lives, giving more, being more empathetic, more gracious in defeat, more sharing in victory and more loving then I'm convinced that we'll be better people and the world, in some incremental way would be a better place, whatever faith we practice! The piece above, I did purely to convey that at times it takes a bit of delivry to create the best angels...not always, but battles and wars are far from fairytales and love poems...

Overly selfish instead of selfless...

I wonder how much time we spend thinking about 'bigger picture' issues (and then commit to an issue) that don't have us at their centre? I was shocked at my own parochial, selfish functioning, I see that my process of reflection and introspection is based on the premise that I be at the centre of the process... And then we wonder why we've become such a one dimensional non-society, cos we function on a purely individual basis, where consideration of others or 'bigger picture' priorities, or indeed realities (that are not directly relevant to us) are absolute misnomers! And I wonder what hope there is for a sustainable world when we have 6 billion people and no real community?!